What’s Holding You Back?
When I finally took the time to get clear about my life and goals, there seemed to be a huge disconnect between the vision I had and my belief in my ability to get there. This is an ongoing dialogue I have with myself. There is a constant nurturing required.
Is your beauty business doing as well as expected? Even if you answer yes, are there other goals you are afraid to set because you think “nahh, that’s too much!” Or even just having the strong desire to start your beauty biz side hustle, but you’re worried if people will actually support your idea, or just think you’re crazy.
So, what is it? What is holding you back?
Do you know what it is? Like specifically? Can you clearly hear the thoughts talking you out of pursuing what you really want? What is the message - maybe something like “don’t bother, it won’t work” or “there’s already a million other people doing that” or why don’t you just keep doing what you’re doing and be grateful for what you have?!”
The list goes on… all the fears, doubts, judgement from others, lack of support - but most importantly the lack of confidence and believing in yourself. I truly think this is the biggest key separating those that get what they want, from those that don’t.
The vision for the direction to go towards the goals is essential, but then your own sustained belief in yourself is crucial. It will keep you going down the road when you really don’t want to. Or when you can’t see exactly where to take the next steps. Your confidence and belief in yourself is like someone taking your hand and telling you that you can do this!
Some of this might sound cliche. Or maybe even redundant. But I’m certain that there are people that need this reminder, the same way I’ve needed it repeatedly throughout my life.
Setting goals and taking the steps is probably one of the most uncomfortable things to do, however, I decided awhile ago that the discomfort of not even trying is much worse.
I wrote a short ebook outlining my experience throughout my adulthood and how I’ve struggled with confidence, comparing myself to others and just feeling inferior, fear of change and of failure. It’s called: The Pain of Playing Small. I wrote it with the intention of helping others to spare themselves from the pain of low confidence, and wasting time when you know you want to pursue more in your life. My intention was to help people get “unstuck” and give a little push to start setting beauty business goals and taking steps to achieve them.
If this sounds interesting to you, you can get a copy here:
The Pain of Playing Small Ebook